Calculation Mazes
These mazes incorporate an added complexity - as you move between the squares you change the value according to the calculation shown in the square. For example, "=2" means set your total to 2, "-1" means subtract one from your total, and "x2" means multiple your total by 3.
Here's a simple example. Start at the pink square in the top left-hand corner, and find a route to the bottom right-hand corner, ending up with the value 6.
Here's the solution. Starting with 2 we go down to the "-1" square, giving us 1, right to "x3" giving us 3, then up to "+2" giving us 5. Then "-1", "+1", and "+1" gives us the target total, 6:
Try the following basic Calculation Mazes:
- Route (easy)
- Key to the Door (easy)
- Lucky Seven (hard)
The following harder variants of the Calculation Mazes incorporate additional rules:
No U-Turn Calculation Mazes
These mazes are like the Calculation mazes, except that you may not make a U-turn by jumping straight back in the direction you've just come from.
- Top Ten (medium)
Squares Calculation Mazes
In these mazes you make a series of horizontal or vertical jumps, provided the running total of the numbers you land on is a perfect square.
- Square Square (hard)
- Square Route (hard)
Knight Total Calculation Mazes
In these mazes you make a series of knight's move jumps, and keep the running total of the numbers you land on, with the aim of reaching the goal with a specified target.
- All Knight (medium)