Sequence Mazes
In these mazes you move one square at a time, horizontally or vertically but not diagonally, following the sequence a, b, c, a, b, c ... and so on.
Here's a simple example. Start at the "a" in the top left-hand corner, and find a route to the "a" in the bottom right-hand corner:
Here's the 6-step solution:
Try the following basic Sequence Mazes:
- Easy as ABC (easy)
The following harder variants of the Sequence Mazes incorporate additional rules:
Wildcard Sequence Mazes
These Sequence Mazes add wildcards that represent any letter you like.
Change Sequence Mazes
In these mazes you can jump horizontally or vertically to a symbol that's different from the two previous symbols you visited.
Here's a simple example. Start at the heart in the top left-hand corner, and find a route to the diamond in the bottom right corner:
From the starting square you can move right to either of the two diamonds, or down to the diamond below. From one of these diamonds you must then move to a club, and so on. Here's the full 4-step solution:
Try the following basic Change Sequence Mazes:
- Card Mini (easy)
- Follow Suit (medium)
No U-Turn Change Sequence Mazes
These mazes are like the Change Sequence Mazes, except that you may not make a U-turn by jumping straight back in the direction you've just come from.
- Diamonds Forever (easy)
- Suitable (hard)