My aim is to design logic maze puzzles that look enticingly simple, but in fact are fiendishly challenging. I hope I've achieved that in at least a few of the mazes on this site.
Most of the mazes include solutions, but there's a one-minute delay before you can see the solution to a maze, to avoid inadvertently displaying a "spoiler" before you've had a chance to try and figure it out yourself.
My first introduction to interesting mazes was a paperback I found in a second-hand bookshop called "For Amazement Only" by Walter Shepherd. It was originally published by Penguin Books during the Second World War in 1942.
More recently I encountered the mazes designed by games inventor Robert Abbott via his book "Mad Mazes", Bob Adams Inc Publishers, 1990. This book inspired several of the mazes on this site. You can find several of his mazes on his excellent web site at:
All the mazes on this site are copyright and may only be reproduced with the prior written permission of the copyright holder.
This site uses a cookie to impose the one-minute delay before you can see the solution to a maze. No personal information is stored in the cookie; it is simply used as a timer.
The Mazelog web site can be used without cookies enabled, but the solutions will not be available.
Thanks to Rob Meek for developing the interactive Mazelog Maze Walker.
I'd also like to thank my son Luke for testing each new maze I design and providing an estimate of how difficult it is.
Contact Mazelog
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